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  Function            iscdevicemoderaw - is character device in "raw"

  Syntax              int iscdevicemoderaw(int handle);

  Prototype in        doshhk.h

  Remarks             iscdevicemoderaw() detects if character device
                      associated with handle is in "cooked" or "raw"
                      mode. In cooked mode, DOS performs some translation
                      of characters, while in raw mode no translation is

  Return value        iscdevicemoderaw returns:

                            1:  raw mode
                            0:  cooked mode
                           -1:  error

                      If there was an error, Borland's variable errno
                      will contain the error code as follows:

                            1   function number invalid
                            4   no handle available
                            5   access denied
                            6   handle invalid or not open
                           13   data invalid

  See also            isdrivelocal(), ishandlelocal(), isRedirectStdin(),
                      isRedirectStdout(), isremoveable(),

See Also: setcdevicemoderaw()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson